Organizers / Managers


The newly-created Skills and Training Commission has set itself the objective of leading original discussions and actions, specific to the aerospace world, in terms of expected skills and appropriate training.

Faced with the rapid evolution of our industry in all fields, the management of our human capital is taking on new importance if we are to remain a benchmark of excellence on the world stage. The themes we have chosen include expertise management, the impact of digital and virtual working methods on responsibility and ethics, innovation and safety, new generations and environmental concerns, and new management methods.

The aim of these discussions is to identify orientations and inflections in the field of Human Resources management (recruitment, training, new skills, etc.) for the benefit of the educational world and industry, in particular ETIs and SMEs.

Chairman: Philippe BOULAN

Upcoming events

  1. 06 February 2025 at 08:30
    Helicopter landing: simulations to aid piloting

    Ile-de-France Group Conferences WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 FROM 6:30 to 8pm by videophone. The Ile-de-France group of the Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF), in partnership with the "Centre"...

Previous events

  1. Tuesday 12 November at 08:30
    The 3AF Ile-de-France Group Matinales

    Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP)WEDNESDAY MAY 29, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. by videophone via ZOOM The Île-de-France group invites its members to a debate with experts on UNIDENTIFIED AEROSPACE PHENOMENES...