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Tribute in Jean-Pierre Sanfourche

19 November 2024 Articles
Viewed 819 times

Jean-Pierre was a friend. I was shocked to hear of his departure.

We met for the first time a long time ago..........-that was during a conference project.

on emerging "technologies" in the 80s-I'm not looking for more, because it always makes my head spin!

Jean-Pierre was a loyal member of the Société Savante, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France.

I've always known him to be there, and of course I've always liked him.

With his passion for aeronautics and space, Jean-Pierre loved people, and I must say, our country.

Between him and me, there's a real, deep bond, hidden behind a sense of humor that always saves the day.

Jean-Pierre, was fully involved in the Société Savante's outreach. In this capacity, he contributed to the Lettre de

3AF a dimension and a credibility that have made it a reference "tool" for all its interviewing talents.

and his handling of our beautiful language was superb.

Jean-Pierre was loved by all, and will be remembered for his generosity and commitment.

To his wife and family, I offer my very, very sad personal condolences, and as Chairman of the Board of Directors, I would like to express my deepest sympathy.

d'Honneur Emérite de la Société Savante, which he has served so well, I add my unanimous gratitude.

On November 21, whether you're physically present or not, we'll all be at your side, with our emotions and our hearts.

Michel Scheller

Honorary Chairman of 3AF


3 months ago
En mon nom propre et au nom de la Commission Hélicoptères et VTOL de la 3AF, je voudrais rendre hommage à Jean-Pierre Sanfourche et son implication dans la communication de la 3AF au travers de la lettre 3AF ( et la lettre CEAS).
Lorsqu'il a repris cette lettre, il y a quelques années, il lui a donné un coup de jeune.
Son contact bienveillant était sans défaut et fort encourageant et malgré la multitude des sujets, il gardait un intérêt pour chacun;

Merci Jean-Pierre de votre écoute et des articles travaillés ensemble

Blanche Demaret, membre Emérite 3AF
1 month ago
In memoriam...
Bien à toi

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