SIGMA2 (Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena)

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TV5 Monde broadcast Songazine Radio Notre-Dame

03 January 2024 Articles
Published by Nadia TRONCHE
Viewed 126 times

Broadcast on TV5 Monde

Since the declassification of Pentagon files, the hunt for UFOs is official. State of knowledge on unidentified aerospace phenomena with Luc Dini

Songazine of 11/12/23

UFOs, where do we stand? An update on the situation with Luc Dini's book "UFOs".

Radio Notre-Dame (12/18/2023)

With Luc Dini, aeronautical engineer, specialist in unidentified space phenomena and author of Ovnis - lumière sur les dossiers déclassifiés du Pentagone (Michel Lafon).

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