Organizers / Managers


Chairman's name :


Chairman's function:

Sales Director, UAV and ground combat systems, Safran Electronics & Defense

Contact e-mail:

Areas of activity:

Created at the end of 2010, the UAV commission has focused its activities on technical areas not covered by other commissions and specific to UAVs: regulations and associated technical issues, decision-making autonomy, human factors and the role of pilot/operator in the conduct of missions...

The commission's aim is to produce summaries, guidance and awareness-raising documents for prime contractors, regulatory bodies and industry players. Its mission is to cover the entire spectrum, from micro-UAVs to multi-ton machines.

The widespread use of drones has led the commission to focus on three key issues: airworthiness, insertion in airspace, and human factors and workload for drone pilots.

In 2013, the work carried out on drone airworthiness, and in particular the need to harmonize civil drone regulations with those for government drones, resulted in the publication of a report on the subject.s with the publication of a report proposing an approach to setting safety objectives for fixed-wing UAVs weighing over 150 kg. Work on human factors and requirements for drone control and mission management focused on pilot input linked to data exploitation.

In 2014, the commission published a summary of the issues involved in integrating drones into air traffic. Although this document concerns all airspace users, it is specifically aimed at all drone designers, operators and users. It aims to inform new users of the technical and regulatory requirements and challenges associated with the routine use of drones in airspace. It presents the current situation and outlook in this field.

In addition, the technical commission participated in a joint program committee of the Académie de l'Air et de l'Espace and 3AF to organize the "Present and Future of UAVs" conference.organization of the "Present and Future of Civil UAVs" symposium, which took place on November 13 and 14, 2014 at the DGAC premises in Paris.

Activities :

  • Profile and qualification of drone pilots, sharing authority and tasks;
  • Technical issues linked to the human factor, particularly concerning the information to be acquired and transmitted, and as a corollary concerning data links);
  • What level of safety for what use of drones? Points identified at this stage: analysis of cost classes by safety level, regulations, standardization;
  • Analysis of experience feedback to identify priority areas for research.

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