
Organizers / Managers


Chairman's name :

Jean-Pierre DEDIEU

Mail contact :

The Languedoc Roussillon Regional Group of the 3AF has the majority of its members working or living in a vast territory (Aude - Gard - Hérault - Lozère - Pyrénées Orientales). It has fewer than 100 members. Most of the members are enthusiasts who want to talk to each other, share their passion, or, in particular, make young people aware of aerospace activities and professions.

Academic, research and industrial organizations involved in aerospace in Languedoc-Roussillon do exist, but there aren't very many of them. We can cite regions where they are relatively well represented (those of Montpellier, Carcassonne, Perpignan and Cerdagne, the Alès and Nîmes regions, etc.). There is a clear effort to attract young people to the aerospace industry through awareness-raising initiatives in educational establishments (some high schools and higher education establishments).

Most conferences are held in Montpellier. However, the Montpellier region is not home to all of Languedoc-Roussillon's aerospace activities.

The 3AF Languedoc-Roussillon Regional Group has forged close links with ENAC, the Montpellier site, which provides premises and currently hosts conferences in Montpellier. The Regional Group also maintains links with DAFA, ESMA and IESFOM.

For conferences, invitations are extended to other local organizations:

  • Local flying clubs (4 systematically);
  • Former engineers' associations such as IESF OM (Union Régionale des Ingénieurs Scientifiques), etc;
  • ENAC, Montpellier site, and ESMA.

However, the conferences are open to all, whether or not they are initiated into aeronautical and space activities.

Beyond the various higher education establishments in the field of Aeronautics, the Languedoc Roussillon Group of 3AF is in contact with :

  • the Montpellier Academy, which is particularly active in developing BIA training courses in secondary schools;
  • the UM2 Science University.


President: Jean-Pierre DEDIEU

Treasurer: Patrick MESSABIS

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