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57th Edition of the 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics

Organisé par le groupe "Aérodynamique (interne et externe)"

High speed aerodynamics, from transonic to hypersonic

Preliminary programme and online registration are available on the official website

The International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics is an annual event organised by the French Aeronautics and Aerospace Society (3AF) at French venues leading an activity in aeronautics or aerospace. It is an excellent opportunity for scientific exchanges between researchers from industry, research institutions and academia. Researchers from other fields are also welcome as the current theme englobes the whole transport and energy sector.

This 57th Edition of the Conference, hosted by the Arts et Métiers - Institute of Technology in Bordeaux on 29-30-31 March 2023, intends to gather experts in diverse fields to share their perspectives.

Preliminary programme and online registration are available on the official website

de Mercredi 29 mars
à Vendredi 31 mars 2023
18h00 (GMT +1)
Bordeaux ENSAM
Esp. des Arts et Métiers
33400 Talence

Bordeaux ENSAM

Esp. des Arts et Métiers
33400 Talence

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de Mercredi 29 mars
à Vendredi 31 mars 2023
18h00 (GMT +1)
Bordeaux ENSAM
Esp. des Arts et Métiers
33400 Talence
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