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Habitats in extreme environments

Round table co-organized by the Aeroclub de France, AGP 21 and 3AF

Today, small teams of astronauts live for long periods in low-Earth orbit aboard the International Space Station. Tomorrow, with the Artemis moon-return program or the Gateway station project, they will have to adapt to similar living conditions, but at a distance of almost 400.000 km from the Earth; and the day after tomorrow, the possibility of manned missions to Mars assumes that a small human community can sustainably live for months, or even 2-3 years, in total autonomy. What do we know about the ability of such a community to adapt to these living conditions? What experience do we have today with these issues, whether in space (International Space Station), on Earth (simulations on "analogous sites", polar stations), or ... under the sea (life aboard an SNLE under long-duration immersion)?

This round table will address these questions by comparing the visions of three experts: the experience of life as a human community aboard an SNLE (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine), with Admiral Pierre-François Forissier, former Navy Chief of Staff and submarine commander; the experience of an astronaut, Michel Tognini; and the viewpoint of an engineer specializing in habitats in extreme conditions, Peter Weiss, founder of Spartan Space. Also taking part in the round table will be Célia Batonon, a student-engineer from the Ecole des Mines d'Ales, specializing in space physiology.

Friday 21 February 2025
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 21st February
Aéro-Club de France, Salon Dorand
6 rue Galilée
75116 Paris
  • 5 € over 26

  • Free 25 years or less

Registration closed
Michel Tognini
Agence Spatial Européene
Pierre-François Forrissier
Admiral, former Navy Chief of Staff and SSBN commander
Peter Weiss
founder and CEO
Spartan Space
Célia Batonon
student-engineer, specialized in space physiology
école des Mines d’Alès

Aéro-Club de France, Salon Dorand

6 rue Galilée
75116 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Boissière metro station (line 6)

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Friday 21 February 2025
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 21st February
Aéro-Club de France, Salon Dorand
6 rue Galilée
75116 Paris
  • 5 € over 26

  • Free 25 years or less

Registration closed
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