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Liquid propulsion for Ariane 6


Ariane 6's successful maiden flight is the fruit of arigorousdevelopment and qualificationprocess covering alllauncher systems and subsystems. This presentation looks back at the technical challenges faced by propulsion liquid cryotechnique in order to ensure the scope of Ariane 6 missions. It retraces the major milestones that marked the development of the Vulcain 2.1, Vinci and APU engines to reach qualification and carry out the first FM1 flight.

CV :

Sébastien Sagnier, 53,a graduate of theUniversité de Technologie de Compiègne, hassuccessivelyheld at ArianeGroup's Vernon site the positions of Mechanical Methods Development Manager , Combustion Organs Product Manager, Head of the Mechanical Engine Architecture Department , and Prometheus Engine Development Manager. Since 2022, he has held the position of Inspector General for liquid propulsion at ArianeGroup.

Monday 28 April 2025
18:00 (GMT +1)
52 rue Jacques Hillairet
75012 Paris


52 rue Jacques Hillairet
75012 Paris

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Monday 28 April 2025
18:00 (GMT +1)
52 rue Jacques Hillairet
75012 Paris
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