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Les Entretiens de Toulouse

Rencontres Aérospatiales

The rendezvous for players in the aerospace industry Develop your skills with the Entretiens de Toulouse: format, originality and success in 6 key points.

Entretiens de Toulouse is a high-level scientific and technical training event. Thanks to their original format, they open the door to subjects with high industrial stakes, while preserving the confidentiality of exchanges. They also cover innovation, management and social issues.

At the heart of today's issues, this training program calls on the best experts. Les Entretiens offers everyone the opportunity to become part of a community, which becomes the essential support for day-to-day business.

Since the 1st edition in 2008, nearly 6,000 people (managers, directors, engineers...) have taken part in these exchanges, and all of them confirm the importance and strength of this meeting to discuss the sector's major scientific, technological and managerial challenges.

1 - High-level training for engineers, project managers, technical managers, R&D directors, etc. in the aerospace sector. This training enables the dissemination of high-level scientific and technical knowledge. And by bringing together the players in this sector, it facilitates mutual understanding and contributes to exchanges between SMEs, major corporations, prime contractors and research centers.

2 - Themes at the heart of your concerns with the best experts The Entretiens are designed to respond as effectively as possible to the current and concrete concerns of the aerospace world. In each of the eighteen subject areas, the topics chosen reflect the scientific, technical and managerial issues facing companies in the sector. These choices are made by the Program Committee, on which industry is largely represented. For each theme, the Program Committee ensures that the speaker has recognized expertise. The Entretiens thus bring together the best experts on each of the workshops.

3 - An à la carte program that guarantees your enrichment Les Entretiens offers 72 half-day workshops, divided into 18 areas. Depending on your experience, each workshop enables you to discover or deepen your knowledge of a particular subject. Participants choose 4 of the 72 workshops à la carte, according to their own interests, either with a highly specialized vision (four workshops in the same field), or with a broader vision (one or two workshops in another field, complementing the workshops in their own specialty). He or she gets the most out of the two days spent at the Entretiens.

4 - Effective teaching adapted to the professional world Teaching is based on the principle of debate. Debate allows each participant to situate him- or herself in the subject in relation to his or her own concerns and experience. They ask the questions that concern them. It's the guarantee of effective appropriation of knowledge. This is a fundamental pedagogical principle: involving the participant. To ensure the quality of the debate, the Interview is moderated and everyone is invited to take part. The number of participants per Interview is limited to 30. Each Interview includes a presentation of no more than forty-five minutes, followed by two hours of debate. The Organizing Committee has also decided to keep all discussions completely confidential. This choice allows for a great deal of freedom of discussion, without any "langue de bois", which contributes to the quality of the exchanges.

5 - Expand your professional network In an increasingly complex environment, networking has become an indispensable part of our business. Everyone is aware of this. But how do we build and develop it? How can we ensure that it is relevant to our own activities? The Entretiens de Toulouse are an opportunity to do just that. Everyone meets competent people concerned by the theme of the workshop. In this way, a professional network is created, with high added value and efficiency, through a common area of interest. The debate mechanism provides the basis for this relationship. Each workshop can be the vector of a future community. This has been the experience of previous years.

6 - An exceptional document: the Entretiens de Toulouse book A panorama of all the workshops, this document is specific to the Entretiens de Toulouse, and contains the contributions from each workshop. It is given to each participant and speaker one month before the start of the Entretiens. It gives everyone the opportunity to immerse themselves in the subject beforehand, an essential condition for effective teaching.

An event co-organized by

from Wednesday 9 April
to Thursday 10 April 2025
16:30 (GMT +1)
10 Avenue Edouard Belin
31055 Toulouse


10 Avenue Edouard Belin
31055 Toulouse

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from Wednesday 9 April
to Thursday 10 April 2025
16:30 (GMT +1)
10 Avenue Edouard Belin
31055 Toulouse
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