Organizers / Managers


President's name :


To contact us :

3AF Toulouse

ISAE SUPAERO, Bureau 61-145
10 avenue Edouard Belin

Our ambition:

  • Ensure the influence of 3AF in the region covered by the GR Midi-Pyrénées (departments 09, 12, 31, 32, 46, 81 and 82) ;
  • Relay the 3AF's actions, particularly to companies and institutions, to people working in the aerospace sector, and to students;
  • Organize events in the region, either directly or in partnership with other organizations, providing a common thread for 3AF Midi-Pyrénées activities.

Our areas of action:

  • Representing 3AF and animating the network of members locally;
  • Promote 3AF in institutions, companies, research centers, schools and universities;
  • Facilitate and promote the work of the "Ingénieurs Pour l'Ecole" (Engineers for Schools), which intervenes in secondary schools, with the support of rectorats and Académies;
  • Recruit new members, promote aerospace careers to students, support a Student Antenna through a Youth Committee, and develop cooperation with regional bodies and organizations.

Our modes of action:

  • Represent the 3AF and animate the network of members locally through the "fil rouge" instituted through our local website;
  • 2 gazettes per year ;
  • 3 technical congresses;
  • Awards ceremonies at ENAC, N7, Isae-Supaero and other schools;
  • Conferences / round tables, in partnership with the Cité de l'espace, CNES and AAE;
  • A student forum every two years;
  • A "witness-carrières" evening for students and young professionals;
  • Participation in Air Expo organized by ENAC and Isae-Supaero, etc.

Our targets:

  • Engineers, managers and technicians, manufacturers, equipment suppliers and subcontractors in the aerospace sector;
  • Companies in the same sector, schools and universities and their students, interested in the aerospace industry and the various professions it offers, both technical and non-technical;
  • Anyone with a passion for aeronautics and space.

Our organization:

The Groupe Régional is organized around a president and an executive committee, who meet regularly to define orientations and actions to be undertaken.

Organizers :

President: Sandrine BASA-ROLLAND

Space Vice-Chairman: Philippe MARCHAL

Join us! Contact us by e-mail at