Organizers / Managers


President's name :


To contact us :

3AF Toulouse

ISAE SUPAERO, Bureau 61-145
10 avenue Edouard Belin

Our ambition:

  • Ensure the influence of 3AF in the region covered by the GR Midi-Pyrénées (departments 09, 12, 31, 32, 46, 81 and 82) ;
  • Relay the 3AF's actions, particularly to companies and institutions, to people working in the aerospace sector, and to students;
  • Organize events in the region, either directly or in partnership with other organizations, providing a common thread for 3AF Midi-Pyrénées activities.

Our areas of action:

  • Representing 3AF and animating the network of members locally;
  • Promote 3AF in institutions, companies, research centers, schools and universities;
  • Facilitate and promote the work of the "Ingénieurs Pour l'Ecole" (Engineers for Schools), which intervenes in secondary schools, with the support of rectorats and Académies;
  • Recruit new members, promote aerospace careers to students, support a Student Antenna through a Youth Committee, and develop cooperation with regional bodies and organizations.

Our modes of action:

  • Represent the 3AF and animate the network of members locally through the "fil rouge" instituted through our local website;
  • 2 gazettes per year ;
  • 3 technical congresses;
  • Awards ceremonies at ENAC, N7, Isae-Supaero and other schools;
  • Conferences / round tables, in partnership with the Cité de l'espace, CNES and AAE;
  • A student forum every two years;
  • A "witness-carrières" evening for students and young professionals;
  • Participation in Air Expo organized by ENAC and Isae-Supaero, etc.

Our targets:

  • Engineers, managers and technicians, manufacturers, equipment suppliers and subcontractors in the aerospace sector;
  • Companies in the same sector, schools and universities and their students, interested in the aerospace industry and the various professions it offers, both technical and non-technical;
  • Anyone with a passion for aeronautics and space.

Our organization:

The Groupe Régional is organized around a president and an executive committee, who meet regularly to define orientations and actions to be undertaken.

Organizers :

President: Sandrine BASA-ROLLAND

Space Vice-Chairman: Philippe MARCHAL

Join us! Contact us by e-mail at

Upcoming events

  1. Saturday 09 march at 17:00 to tuesday 31 december at 17:00
    MP 2024 conference program
    Organised by the group Midi-Pyrénées

    This is a new Text block. Change the text. January 12 ISAE-SUPAERO Mermoz and the hydrogen-powered plane Jean Marc MOSCHETTA March 13 ISAE-SUPAERO Transferringhydrogenfromspace to...

  1. 06 february 2025 at 09:00
    Helicopter landing: simulations to aid piloting

    Ile-de-France Group Conferences WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 FROM 6:30 to 8pm by videophone. The Ile-de-France group of the Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF), in partnership with the "Centre"...

Previous events

  1. Wednesday 19 june at 18:00
    Model in the R2Ch wind tunnel at Mach 7
    ONERA Meudon facilities tour

    Ile-de-France Group technical tours VISIT TO ONERA'S MEUDON WIND TUNNELS WEDNESDAY JUNE 19 FROM 2 to 4 p.m. The Aerodynamics Technical Committee and the 3AF Ile-de-France group are offering its members a free tour...

  1. Wednesday 03 april at 18:30

    From aircraft design to flight operations: what prospects for air transport in 2024? Against a backdrop of contextual and technical explanations, the conference will offer a description of the situation in the sector and its major players. The event will be...

  1. Monday 26 february at 12:10
    Aerospace manufacturing and assembly processes: the contribution of modeling and...
    Organised by the group Structures

    Aerospace Materials and Structures On May 28 (or 30) 2024, 3AF's Materials and Structures Technical Commissions will be organizing a day of presentations (around ten) and exchanges on the theme of simulating...

  1. Thursday 18 january at 08:00
    Tomorrow's transport: which engineers for new ambitions?
    Organised by the group Ile-de-France

    Symposium at the Musée de l'Air et de l'ESpaceTHURSDAY JANUARY 18 at the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace (93). This symposium is organized by 3AF (Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France) in partnership with...