Chairman's name :
Éric Chaput
Mail contact :
Aerodynamics in all its aspects: theoretical and experimental aerodynamics, applied, internal and external, for all types of aeronautical applications (transport and combat aircraft, light aircraft and gliders, drones, helicopters, launchers, missiles) and non-aeronautical applications (automobiles, trains, buildings, energy production).and gliders, drones, helicopters, launchers, missiles) and non-aeronautical applications (automobiles, trains, buildings, power generation). The commission, which meets at least four times a year, divides its annual activity into three meetings.
Credits from top to bottom and left to right: ONERA, ONERA, Soufflerie S2A, CSTB, ONERA, Dassault Aviation.
The last week of March sees the annual3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics. Open to the international community, the conference brings together between 100 and 200 industrialists and researchers. It lasts 2? days of presentations and discussions, plus a half-day technical visit. During the conference, the Association's medal is awarded for the best presentation of the previous year. The proceedings of these conferences are available from the 3AF secretariat. A selection of the best papers is proposed for publication in the International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flows (IJNMHFF).
Technical visits and conferences are also offered in partnership with the Ile-de-France Group. The technical visits, which include presentation talks, are organized over half-days to discover industrial or scientific sites; two visits are offered each year.
The committee is also responsible for proposing technical articles for publication in the 3AF Newsletter, as well as information books on aerodynamics aimed at students and junior engineers, and more generally at promoting aerodynamics.
With over 70 members from the worlds of industry, research and teaching, the commission is a forum for exchange between specialists, and is open to young students (by circulating internship applications and/or proposals, and advising of job openings).
All applications formembership of the Aerodynamics Technical Committee are subject to payment of the annual membership fee to 3AF. If the membership fee is not up to date, no application will be accepted.Membership applications can be sent to
Chairman: Éric Chaput, retired AIRBUS,
Vice-Chairman: Jean-Pierre ROSENBLUM, Dassault Aviation,
Director: Éric Chaput,
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