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Register now for SpaceUp Federation !

05 juin 2018 Lettre 3AF
Vue 190 fois

On June 23, 2018 a new SpaceUp will take place in Toulouse: The SpaceUp Federation

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The event is organized by SpaceUp France and Open Space Makers with the support of CNES. It’s a free event with mandatory registration!
SpaceUp is a space unconference, also known as a user-generated conference or a BarCamp. Participants will decide the topics, schedule, and structure of the event. While other unconferences have been held about technology, science, transit, and, even, cupcakes, the SpaceUp series is focused solely on space exploration. There are no spectators at SpaceUp, only participants. Attendees are expected to give a demo, present a talk or participate in a panel or roundtable.

This unconference contributes to the Toulouse Space Show Off events with the purpose to celebrate the first year of the Federation initiative.

Among the speaker guests invited there will be representatives from Copenhagen Suborbital, the world’s only manned, amateur space program, located in Denmark, from Libre Space Foundation known for the global network of open source satellite ground stations (SatNOGS) and open source cubesat UPSat, and a representative from MIT Media Lab’s Space Exploration Initiative.

More details on the event on the SpaceUp website.

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