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18 février 2020 Lettre 3AF
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Bulletin N°32

Bonjour à tous,

Optronics is a major subject, processed by 3AF, the French learned society for Aerospace, a theme in which I have been personally involved since the inception of SOFRADIR in 1985, which after became LYNRED.

In 3AF, we have accomplished, I think, a great job under the guidance of my friend Jean-François COUTRIS, the passion of which you all know here. Of course, our works were encouraged by DGA, the French Defence Procurement Agency and by CNES, the National Center of Space Studies, and were conducted together with large and small companies, among which SAGEM -which became SAFRAN, THOMSON which became THALES, and of course many others including ONERA, the National Office for Aerospace studies and research.

Over time, 3AF has succeeded in combining all the skills of a center of expertises, and of a technical service, offering of course its services and contribution to decision making for bodies projecting on future Innovations.

Now, for more than 20 years, 3AF, on the foundations of a technical Commission, has been organising an international symposium – as a matter of fact, more and more “international” when you look at our “Keynotes speakers” panel – And,  as the needs were widely shared, 3AF also established a Coordination Platform for “Optronics” - P.C.O. involving the participation of many specialists. The aim of this platform is to optimize the relationship between progress in technology offer (the “push”) and the needs concerning capabilities (the “pull”), and it’s a lucky coincidence that our ninth conference is now opening a few days after fruitful exchanges on security and defence applications among PCO members – Being reminded, and we insist on this fact, how much “Optronics”, which really cover dual technologies, is vital for Defence and Space systems (space systems, for the defence applications).

The European involvement is now very clear. We can notice, inside the European Commission, Thierry Breton’s orientations regarding European domestic Market, and his goal to establish a General Directorate for Defence and Space, with the management of a European Defence Fund, as well as the strong willingness of the president, Mrs Van Der Leyen concerning the important role of such Direction.

OPTRO 2020 is hence matching with the first year of a Commission structuring program, concerning Defence and Space.

Our Conference is international as I yet indicated, considers the major needs of users: the roundtable at the end of this day will help you appreciate that.

And I consider that 3AF will have a specific contribution with respect to the General Directorate definition and may help the Commissioner, Thierry Breton, to implement the best policy.

Mister Emmanuel Chiva is the head of the Innovation Defence Agency, which belongs to the French Ministry of Armies. He will take the floor immediately after Claudine Besson, our Conference Chairwoman – which I thank for her strong involvement – will have delivered some important practical precisions concerning the three days coming.

Emmanuel Chiva will present us among other items the importance, for all activities we overlook before, of having a strong and dynamic Innovation Policy.

I wish you, a very fruitful conference. I ask you to actively participate, and I hope after these three days you will, if it is not already the case, become an active member of the learning Society 3AF.

Thank you

Michel Scheller

Président d’honneur 3AF

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